Sarah Wawrzaszek

4-Day West & JK-West Lead Teacher (she/her)

My career at Park West started at Camp Sunshine in 2003. I soon felt the stimulating, important, fulfilling work being done here. Interactions between fellow teachers and children were deeply considerate, respectful and honest. Teachers talked to and with children. The compassion, dedication and knowledge of child development resonated with me. At age 18, these interactions not only encouraged and inspired me to teach, but also greatly shaped the person I was becoming. I am honored to have since spent 20 years learning and teaching in the Park West community. My pedagogy and self are continuously influenced by my deliberate, intelligent family of staff. I continue to have a deep appreciation for the genuine respect, care and thought-provoking conversations that happen with children, with staff, and with parents at Park West - it is of utmost importance to me that children are provided a nurturing, safe environment where they can place trust and feel comfortable sharing their sense of self, wonder, enthusiasm, hesitance and openness to the world. Engaging with children helps me look at the world and interactions from new, varying perspectives at every moment. And I am fortunate that I get to do so everyday. I truly enjoy our cooperative partnership with parents as they also partake in this experience. I’m ready to venture off into another year of discussing, playing, exploring, solving, laughing, navigating, voting, negotiating, comforting, and resolving - where we all continue to learn, be challenged, empowered, and embraced.

Credentials 1: Loyola University: BA in Elementary Education University of Illinois at Chicago
Credentials 2: NAEYC Icon Member
Favorite book: Thank you Bear by Greg Foley
Little by Little by Amber Stewart